Established in 20 June 2000, under name CV. Rajawali Technica.
Located : Jl. Petodjo Barat No. 28, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
With Determination to make this company become big then we change our company status from CV. (Personal Small company) to PT (Pte Ltd), so PT. RAJATEC NUSANTARA was created in 17 September 2003.
As a part of our ongoing development and with the intention to provide the excellent service to our customers, we change our company name to PT. RAJATECH ADI NUSANTARA IN 08 September 2020.
Located : Jl. Industri Selatan 8 Blok EE 7G Jababeka II Industrial Estate, Pasirsari, Cikarang Selatan
Bekasi 17520, Indonesia
Tel / Fax : +6221 89841292 (Hunting) / + 6221 89841293
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bussiness Type : Trading